Back in June, I wrote a piece called “Best Interest Root Canals”. Effective on June 30th, Regulation BI (“Best Interest”) became effective law in the United States, requiring that all registered brokers and investment adviser representatives in the United States make recommendations “in the best interest of the client”, despite entirely failing to define the term best interest or put …
Transparent Compensation
All too often, when you read job posts they look like a list from a hostage-taker, where the demands of the role are laid out in long bullet-pointed lists of ideal qualifications and the tradeoff is a vague reference to the career tier the position is intended for. “Must have 5 years experience, skills including X, Y, and Z, and …
Colorado Election Results
While the presidential election is still yet to be decided, Colorado has finalized several ballot measures based on voting proportion while others remain undetermined. Based on where things sit, today, we’ll address the impact of measures that have passed (or are very likely to) and how that will affect your finances in the future. This is important for financial planning, …