A colleague of mine, a CPA by the name of Michael Pharris, has a framed piece of paper in his office. The header reads, “Hearn’s Laws”, written by Professor Hearn, an instructor when Michael was in undergrad studying accounting. While there are many good tidbits on the paper (“he who signs the other man’s form, takes care of the other …
Everyone is Bad at their Job, So SVB Failed
I am a fairly demanding person in my professional relationships. I expect my attorneys to be sharp, accountants to be fastidious, and so on. However, this puts me in a position to be often disappointed, and to be fair, what can I expect? The tier-one customer service agent at a big tech company can’t really be expected to be “the …
Target Date Funds or Target Dud Funds?
Well, it’s official: as of yesterday, March the 6th, I’m an “All But Dissertation” or “ABD” Ph.D. Candidate (as opposed to a student!) In honor of the occasion, I’m summarizing a recent piece of research that I enjoyed and talking about the issues leading into the research and the takeaways therefrom. The piece is “Off Target: On the Underperformance of …