Surrendering the CDFA

Daniel YergerAbout the Firm, Financial Planning 2 Comments

In 2019, I completed the Certified Divorce Financial Analyst designation. The designation was created to help qualified financial planners better assist their clients in the divorce process, whether complementing a collaborative divorce or helping clients keep as much on their side of the scale as possible in the division of assets on an adversarial basis. The designation included four courses covering everything from the practice of family law to tax ramifications and modeling division of asset scenarios both in the present and with extension well into the future. It was a valuable form of professional education that I’m glad I attained.

However, this week brings the deep sigh of a decision to relinquish my CDFA membership and approval to carry the CDFA marks as part of the extended alphabet soup behind my name. It’s a decision not made lightly or casually but one that results from a long period of consideration. Back in January, a colleague asked me if I felt the CDFA designation was worth it. I wrote up a thread answering that question here, but the summary was that while the education was valuable, the cost benefits were more mixed than I’d like. Issues included the education being broad but the practice of ultra-localizing divorce planning, confusion by consumers about service and fee models, consumers attempting to use you as a “discount lawyer,” and the simple interpersonal challenges that come with divorce-based planning engagements.

Please make no mistake: I am proud of the work that I’ve done as a financial planner in the divorce arena. I have helped clients escape abusive and lopsided relationships with their dignity and finances intact, helped couples who’ve fallen out of love separate as amicably as possible, and even today work with a small subset of clients who are working through marital challenges such as separation or the genuine risk of divorce. Divorce is often a controversial and challenging topic for many based on their history, religious and social upbringing, and personal views on the topic. But I will never regret having done CDFA work. It has been a powerful and meaningful part of my client’s lives and an important and valuable service to provide. It is one that I will continue to provide; simply not under the auspices of being a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and with the letters accompanying it.

If I’m being entirely honest, perhaps two straws have broken this respective camel’s back. The first is related directly to the designation; the second is client-related. The designation-related issue is relatively straightforward: The CDFA requires 30 hours of divorce-related continuing education every two years. To give you some context, this is the same level of ongoing continuing education as the CFP® Certification. In fact, it’s about equal to all of my CE requirements combined, including those state-required IAR CE requirements. Yet, despite this hefty education requirement, it is not well-supported. There is a dearth of high-quality CDFA education, and the scarce options available to those who pursue them are CE businesses that sell them at a premium price and with a rather burdensome approach to delivery. The alternatives are those self-reported CE options that are tangential to the CDFA, such as a financial planning session on blended families that might support the designation. Frankly, the constant pursuit of valid continuing education on the topic is exhausting. The ecosystem for continuing education for the CDFA isn’t built out, and despite a roster of online CE that you can pay for listed on the CDFA website, you can’t casually acquire it at conferences other than the annual IDFA conferences, obtain it through valid self-study, or even get cross-credit for other planning-related topics that might support CDFA work.

The client-related straw was simply one of an observed futility. A few years ago, an individual client who was married but only engaged us for some limited investment work asked us about ensuring their information was more carefully protected from their spouse. This is a clear warning sign of marital discord or the intention to begin a separation or divorce. At the time, we obliged this individual’s request and mentioned that we were able to provide financial guidance as a certified divorce financial analyst, to which we received no reply. This past week, we received notice via the custodian (not the client) that this client was moving their assets elsewhere. When we reached out to confirm, this individual said they were moving their assets because, for the past year, they’d engaged another financial planning firm to help them with their divorce and other financial matters. In other words, despite receiving weekly newsletters for years mentioning our divorce work and having spoken to this client directly about our divorce work in the past, “Certified Divorce Financial Analyst” was a meaningless phrase in this otherwise sophisticated client’s eyes.

So, therein is the decision. While the CDFA was valuable education, it is simply not worth retaining. The effort to do so is greater than the value; sophisticated clients do not recognize it or see value in it, and though divorce work is simultaneously some of the most challenging yet enjoyably complex work that we do, it is not worth bearing the designation to maintain the public credentialed appearance of doing the work. While we will continue to do divorce work for our clients, we will no longer subject ourselves to the burdens of the designation.

Comments 2

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience and perspective on the CDFA designation. We appreciate your candor and the constructive feedback provided.

    At the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA), we are constantly striving to enhance the value and support provided to our members. Your concerns about the continuing education requirements and the recognition of the designation are duly noted.

    Regarding the CDFA Continuing Education (CE) requirements, it is indeed true that 30 hours of divorce-related CE is required every two years. This standard was established after extensive research and comparison with other designations, ensuring it reflects the comprehensive knowledge and skills necessary for a competent CDFA practitioner. The CE requirement is a key recertification method, demonstrating that our professionals are current with ongoing developments in the field.

    To support our members, IDFA provides eleven CE webinars annually and offers three past webinars for playback at no charge. Additionally, these webinars provide CE credits for CFP professionals and holders of American College designations. This means members can access 25 free hours of CE every two years, which we believe is a substantial support rather than a burden. Furthermore, IDFA accepts CE credits from various industry organizations and conferences without any additional fees for CE reporting.

    We also recognize the importance of clear communication and value demonstration to clients. We are working on initiatives to raise awareness and to communicate the unique benefits of working with a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst.

    Your decision to continue providing divorce financial services, albeit without the designation, highlights the intrinsic value of the education and experience you have gained. We respect your choice and are grateful for the positive impact you have made in your clients’ lives through your CDFA work.

    Should you have any further suggestions or if you would like to discuss your feedback in more detail, please feel free to reach out. We value the insights of dedicated professionals like yourself and are always looking for ways to improve our programs and support.

    Best regards,

    Carol Lee Roberts

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