Never Discount

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning Leave a Comment

It has been observed in one form or another that the only store in which people will run screaming when a sale starts is the “stock market.” Yet, despite the strange inclination of consumers to flee deep discounts when they present themselves in the world of investments and to only be tempted to buy when prices go up, today we …

Avoiding Career Bottlenecks

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning 1 Comment

It is not uncommon for a financial planner to find that many clients have hit a proverbial “ceiling” in their career trajectory. As we’d observe it, this is seldom because of any limitation in their capabilities or capacity but because of a classic problem: The person on the next rung of the career ladder is happy where they are, or …

Boulder County Minimum Wage Research

Daniel YergerAbout the Firm, Financial Planning 1 Comment

For several months, an economic analysis has explored the possibility of installing a “regional” minimum wage in the Boulder county area, which would technically be implemented as a county-level and city-by-city level minimum wage, including the cities of Boulder, Erie, Lafayette, Longmont, and Louisville. Curiously, as this study got off the ground, a video produced by the research task force …

Who’s Paying Your Planner?

Daniel YergerAbout the Firm, Financial Planning Leave a Comment

For those who wondered, “What happened to the blog last week? Heck, where was the blog yesterday?” The answer is as fun as it is mundane. Rather than writing a blog for July 30th, I was in Chicago attending the summer leadership meeting for the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, or “NAPFA,” for which I sit on the west …