The Economics of Developing a Financial Planner

Daniel YergerAbout the Firm Leave a Comment

It’s no secret that I’m incredibly interested in the development of the financial planning profession. My area of research is compensation, with a focus on financial planners. I’ve presented on career tracks and hiring at multiple national conferences, and I’ve written an Amazon best-seller on financial planner careers. It is, with some Jane Goodall-observing-the-gorillas interest that I’ve started to peruse …

Hybridization of Financial Planning & Tax Professionals

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning Leave a Comment

I’ve opined multiple times over the past few years that there’s a bright future of collaboration and possibly integration between financial planners and tax professionals. After all, both frequently are on other sides of the same coin, and the divide between them often boils down to whether work is being done in arrears (e.g., tax professionals taking what’s already been …

Our New Associate Wealth Planner – Emily Green

Daniel YergerAbout the Firm 1 Comment

We’re forgoing our usual weekly education and commentary to share some special news. Today marks the first day for our team’s new Associate Wealth Planner, Emily Green! Emily has spent the past year studying to become a wealth planner, and we’re delighted at her accomplishment and to share her promotion. For those who’ve never taken the time to learn more …