Hello there! This week we’re providing you with directions on how to perform your own step-by-step budget analysis! This is less of our usual general education and more of a recommended exercise to get your arms around where your money is really going. Without further ado, let’s jump into it! First, The Data This exercise is best completed through the …
Recession Impact 2022
Reading last Thursday’s WSJ headline: “U.S. GDP Fell at 0.9% Annual Rate in Second Quarter,” I had the brief flash to Fiddler on the Roof’s song “Tradition,” save that the titular chorus was replaced with “Recessioooooooon!” It’s official, the US Economy has entered the definition of a recession. Yet with a recession officially on the books, you might note that …
PTE 2020-02 Misses a Major Point
I’m consternated. For anyone who reads my normal weekly content, this may or may not be for you. This is more of a complaint or concern than an educational piece, but it’s one I feel a need to voice. This year, “Prohibited Transaction Exemption” or “PTE 2020-02” was released, giving guidance to financial planners and advisors about how they needed …
First Impressions
I’m an extremely passionate advocate for the value of financial planning. I’ve written a book on starting a career in financial planning, am halfway through a doctorate in financial planning, and serve on regional boards and national committees for multiple financial planning organizations. It might surprise you then to know that I had a terrible first interaction with a financial …
Reducing the Cost of YOUR Healthcare
Here’s a simple experiment: The next time you buy any good or service that isn’t clearly labeled with its price, ask what it costs. For example, if you go to a high-end restaurant and they list cocktails without prices, ask the server what it costs. They will likely know immediately or be able to check out the price quickly on …
When Courage Fails
“A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.” -Aragorn at the Battle of the Black Gate I have written a lot about volatile markets and market downturns, yet without fail, the lessons of dozens of market crashes before seem to fall …
Pension Maximization
If you have worked for the government in Colorado, or worked anywhere in the United States for more than ten years, then congratulations, you have a pension! Pensions have been a staple of retirement planning and income for centuries, with the first corporate pension being established in 1875 by the company we now know as American Express. Even before American …
The Cost of Children
As I’m sure you’re aware, the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade on Friday, overturning a 50-year precedent limiting the state’s ability to restrict access to abortion. Consequently, abortion has become outright illegal in 17 states, and is time-limited in 6 states, while a handful of others are undetermined. Regardless of the state you live in or your personal politics, …
Becoming A Millionaire in Seven Years
Well, this is an awkward brag of sorts, but as of May 31st this year, it appears I’ve become a millionaire. I’ll get it out of the way and say that I don’t feel like a millionaire. I certainly don’t live like one, or at least, I don’t live like what I’d think of a millionaire as living like. I’m …
The Environmental Disaster of Crypto
Set up a camera in front of your home and start recording. Do this for two and a half months. When you’re done watch a sped-up time-lapse of the recording. Observe how often and for how long the lights are turned on at night. Watch the garage door roll up and down from time to time. See steam or smoke …